Une Aventure Irlandaise : 7 Élèves de la section Euro en Mobilité à Dublin

Du 2 au 30 juin dernier, sept élèves de la Section Euro, en première année de Bac Pro MCV et AGORA, ont eu l’opportunité de partir en Irlande pour une mobilité de quatre semaines à Dublin. Cette expérience a été rendue possible grâce aux bourses accordées par le programme Erasmus et la Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes.

Pendant cette période, les élèves ont effectué des stages au sein d’entreprises en lien avec leurs cursus scolaires : Métiers du Commerce et de la Vente (options A et B) ainsi que l’Assistance à la Gestion des Organisations et de leurs Activités.

Logés en familles d’accueil, ils ont vécu une expérience unique et inoubliable. Cette aventure leur a permis de développer leurs compétences linguistiques et professionnelles tout en s’imprégnant de la culture irlandaise dans cette magnifique capitale, riche en histoire, culture et nature.

Un professeur d’anglais de la Section Euro les a accompagnés lors du voyage aller du 2 au 7 juin, veillant à leur bonne installation et facilitant les liens avec les entreprises.

Au retour, un professeur de DNL Économie-Gestion s’est rendu sur place du 27 au 30 juin pour évaluer la Période de Formation en Milieu Professionnel à l’étranger (PFMP) de nos élèves. Les stagiaires ont reçu leur Certificat Europass Mobilité validé en entreprise, officialisant ainsi leurs compétences acquises (professionnelles, linguistiques, numériques, organisationnelles, gestion et communication).

Enfin, nos aventuriers sont rentrés en France le 30 juin dernier, enrichis par cette expérience professionnelle précieuse qui leur a offert l’opportunité de découvrir une nouvelle culture et de perfectionner leur anglais.


Voici quelques résumés de stage de nos élèves :

“During the month, I was greeted by a great family who took good care of us, they made efforts regarding my diet and that’s great. Then, I worked in a company that organizes events called Premier Publishing & Events. During this internship, I was able to share it with Lillie and the tasks that gave us was simple : we had to save the company details in a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for those who can contact them to propose them to participate in events that organized. We also did research on the best exhibitor portals for which can subscribe one for their future events. We had to make an excellent table to rank them. When it was the weekend, we went out to visit the city center of Dublin. We also went to shopping centers in the suburbs because they were bigger and cheaper.”

Bilel BEY (1ère AGORA)


“I will introduce you a little about my family as well as the company in wich I work and my activities. First of all, my family is very kind, takes great care of us. I work with Bilel at a company called Premier Publishing and Events located at Park West Center, 51, Dublin, D12, E2Y9. This company deals with the organization of events. I have already been able to carry out a few somewhat related tasks: transcription of a paper list into Excel, retransmission of information for a gym event, check gym equipment suppliers and find influenceurs to advertise, register manufacturing companies on their ERP called « Pipedrive », find and register on the ERP, companies which have not given a business card during an event but only their e-mail adress and names. We went for a walk in Dublin, seeing the most famous temple bars as well as Trinity College with Mrs Gnuva. We went to Phoenix Parc.”

Lillie-rose DOMROESE (1ère AGORA)


“The activities I performed during my internship are: SERVICING, which consists in preparing books for dispatch to bookshops, You have to take a stack of books from the same story, and on this stack you have a card called an ORDER, so you can take the box associated with this order.  We have instructions on the box that we must follow to the letter, and once we’ve followed them, the books can be put away and moved on to the next stage. The other stage is my second activity, the PING, which consists of tempting the books into a bass de donne, scanning them thanks to the barcode on the cover and the code on the back of the book, after which the books can be covered. The third activity is COVERING, using a machine to cut out the plastic cover and then cover it, after which the contours of the cover are cut out so that the book is perfect. ATTENTION the book must always be together and not mixed up”.

Kélia BALBINE (1ère MCV)